The Cording, Braid & Special Machines Book is 122 pages long and covers the unique functionalities of the specialty Cornely machines. Ruth overviews the first-hand knowledge that she acquired from two French gentlemen who claimed to have been taught by Antoine Bonnaz himself.
This book gives an overview of the functionalities of the five Cornely machines types categorized as follows:
Group 1: Basic Universal Feed Machines. “A”, “AB”, “A2”, “AH2”, “B”, “C”, “E”, “LE”, “LEG”, “LEGB”, “BCH”, “ACH”, “LCH”, “LGCH”, “RE”, “K”, “KB”, “L”, “LB”, “LG”, “LGB”, “LT”, “LTG”, “N”, and “X.”
Group 2: Universal Feed Machines with oscillating hook & bobbin. “F”, “FD”, “FA”, and “FBN.”
Group 3: Numbered Cornely Machines that lock stitch, hemstitch, and satin stitch.
Group 4: Specialty Cornely Machines and as Ruth puts it “they do very unusual things.”
Group 5: Post-WWII redesign of Cornely Machines for the modern era. Type 121 and Type 148
The end of the Special Machines book gives a sample of the contents of The Lettering Book as well.